Check back frequently to stay up to date on the latest news and events for author Kimberly O'Dell and Anniston Revisited.
Calhoun County Revisited--The Samuel Noble Monument at The Calhoun County Journal Website
Calhoun County Revisited--Veteran's Day and Volkstrauertag at The Calhoun County Journal Website
Calhoun County Revisited--Oxford Lake Park at The Calhoun County Journal Website
Calhoun County Revisited--Battle of Tallushatchee at The Calhoun County Journal Website
Nov 4
Oct 28
Oct 14
Sep 22
Meet the Author and Book Signing at The Early Bird Holiday Market in the Jacksonville Public Library
Join us during the Early Bird Holiday Market at the Jacksonville Public Library on November 4th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Copies of Calhoun County, Anniston, and Anniston Revisited will be available for purchase at the event (cash or check only).
Tour of Historic Downtown Anniston as part of Neewollah on Noble
Join us for a tour of Historic Downtown Anniston during the October 28th conducted by historian Kimberly O'Dell. The tours start at 3:30 PM and 4:45 PM (CT) near the main stage at 11th and Noble Streets. After the tour, Anniston Revisited books will be available for purchase at the event (cash or check only).
Meet the Author and Book Signing at Anniston Museum complex 2nd Annual Fall Fest
Join us during the October 14th 2nd Annual Fall Fest from 6:00 to 9:00 PM (CT) for an Anniston Revisited book signing where you can meet author Kimberly O'Dell. Books will be available for purchase at the event (cash or check only). For tickets to the event contact 256-237-6766. For those visiting the Museum Complex on Saturday our booth will be open from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM before the Fall Fest.
Meet the Author and Book Signing at The Catalyst
Join us during the September 22nd Makers Market at The Catalyst for an Anniston Revisited book signing where you can meet author Kimberly O'Dell. Books will be available for purchase at the event (cash or check only).
Aug 26
Aug 25
July 28
May 26
Apr 28
Apr 08
Meet the Author and Book Signing at 100 Year Celebration of Fort McClellan
Join us on Saturday, August 26th to meet the author of Anniston Revisited at the Fort McClellan Training Center Headquarters Building. Books including limited copies of Anniston and Calhoun County will be available for purchase at event (cash or check only).
Meet the Author and Book Signing at Alexander's At Noble Shops
Join us from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CT) on Friday, August 25th to meet the author of Anniston Revisited at the Alexander's at Noble Shops (1118 Noble Street) in conjunction with the August Makers Market. Books will be available for purchase at event (cash or check only).
Historical Tour of Downtown Anniston and Meet the Author and Book Signing at The Catalyst---Please Note this event has been cancelled due to weather
Join us for a tour of Historic Downtown Anniston during the July 28th Makers Market conducted by historian Kimberly O'Dell. The tour starts at 6:o0 PM (CT) in front of Lyric Square (1300 Noble Street). After the tour, The Catalyst will host an Anniston Revisited book signing where you can meet author Kimberly O'Dell. Books will be available for purchase at the event (cash or check only).
Historical Tour of Downtown Anniston and Meet the Author and Book Signing at Nunnally's Noble Frame and Gallery
Join us for a tour of Historic Downtown Anniston during the May 26th Makers Market conducted by historian Kimberly O'Dell. The tour starts at 6:10 PM (CT) on the steps of the Calhoun County Courthouse (West 11th Street). After the tour, Nunnally's Noble Frame and Gallery will host an Anniston Revisited book signing where you can meet author Kimberly O'Dell. Books will be available for purchase at the event.
Meet the Author and Book Signing at Couch's Jewelers
Join us from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CT) on Friday, April 28th to meet the author of Anniston Revisited at Couch's Jewelers during the Antique and Estate Jewelry Sale and Makers Market. Books will be available for purchase at the event (cash or check only).
Meet the Author and Book Signing at the Noble Street Festival
Join us starting at 10:00 am (CT) on Saturday, April 8th to meet the author of Anniston Revisited. For this year's festival, Nunnally's Noble Frame and Gallery at 1014 Noble Street will host the Book Signing. Books will be available for purchase at the event.
Meet the Author and Book Signing at the Shamrockin' 5K Color Walk/Run
Join us starting at 8:00 am (CT) on Saturday, March 18th to meet the author of Anniston Revisited. Books will be available for purchase at the event (Cash or check only). Our booth will be located at the Unity House on the corner of 13th Street and Moore Avenue (across the street from the Anniston Police Department).