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Way Back Wednesday in Calhoun County--February 8 to 14

This week’s Way Back Wednesday in Calhoun County is going to be about the births and deaths of some Calhoun County figures during February 8 to 14. Be sure to click on the links to view photos from the Public Library of Anniston-Calhoun County’s collection. Many of the photos you will find linked to the blog posts are also included the Image of America Series books on Anniston, Calhoun County, and Anniston Revisited.

February 8, 1921: Anniston, AL. U.S. Congressman Frederick “Fred” Leonard Blackmon, who represented the 4th District of Alabama in the House of Representatives, died unexpectedly in Polk County, FL at the age of 47. Blackmon had moved with his family to Anniston when he was ten years old. He was educated in the local schools and attended Jacksonville Normal School (currently Jacksonville State University). Blackmon studied law and was admitted to the Alabama bar in 1894. He opened a law practice in Anniston but only practice a few years before entering politics. Blackmon was interned in Hillside Cemetery in Anniston.

February 9, 1947: Anniston, AL. Anniston Postmaster and former president of Anniston National Bank B. W. Pruet died. In the early 1920s, Pruet succeeded W. P. Acker as the president of Anniston National Bank. He served in this position until 1934 when he became an FHA adjuster. In 1938, he was appointed postmaster of Anniston and held that position when he passed away. Pruet was active in many civic and social aspects of the city including memberships in the Rotary club and was past president of the Alabama Bankers Association.

February 10, 1908: Anniston, AL. James Noble Jr., the older brother of Anniston founder Samuel Noble, was born in Crowan, Cornwall, England and as a young child immigrated with his family to America. James Jr. followed his brother to Anniston and was active in the community. James Jr. was responsible for building the foundries in particular the Boiler and Sheet Iron works. He passed away in Anniston at the age of 75 and was interned with the Noble family at Hillside Cemetery.

February 11, 1922: Blue Mountain, AL. Reverend Noah Stephens passed away. He served as the pastor of Blue Mountain Baptist Church in the 19 teens and 1920s. Stephens was 65 when he passed away and was interred in New Bethel Cemetery, located near Anniston Army Depot on restricted land.

February 12, 1942: Anniston, AL. Kate Quintard Noble Roberts, the eldest daughter of Samuel Noble died. She married Edward Ennis Graham Roberts, Sr and her father gave the newlyweds the house on the corner of 9th Street and Leighton Avenue. The house is very similar to Crowan Cottage. The house still sits on the same site.

February 13, 1860: Lewisburg, TN. Carrie McClure was born. She married John B. Knox in 1884 and they settled in Anniston. Her husband was selected to serve the Alabama Constitution Convention of 1901 and Mrs. Knox founded the Wednesday Study Club. Mr. and Mrs. Knox had two daughters, Mary Lyle Knox (d. 1898) and Carrie McClure Knox (d. 1936). Mrs. Knox’s love of music led to the foundation of the Knox Music Club (forerunner of the Knox Concert Series) in 1938 after the last of the Knox family members passed away.

February 14, 1958: Frankfurt, Germany. Actor Perry Stephens was born. He was a contemporary actor who starred in several soap operas including The Bold and the Beautiful. Stephens was reared, educated, and married in Alabama. When he passed away in California of liver failure at the age of 47, his body was brought to Anniston and interned in Edgemont Cemetery.

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