Way Back Wednesday in Calhoun County---March 22-28

In the March 22-28 edition of Way Back Wednesday in Calhoun County blog, we revisit some Downtown Anniston Businesses. Many of these businesses are now gone but were staples in downtown during the 20th Century. The historic buildings survive and are being repurposed for other modern-day businesses. Be sure to click on the links to see some of the Russell Brothers Photos that are housed at the Public Library of Anniston Calhoun County. Many of the businesses in this week’s blog are also found in Images of America series books: Anniston Revisited, Anniston, or Calhoun County. Pick up a copy today to learn more about the histories of these businesses.
March 22, 1911: Anniston, AL. It was announced that the streetcar fares on the Anniston trolley line would be paid by inserting a nickel into a register held by the conductor. This type of modern trolley fare collection system was being used in many larger Southern cities at the time and was more efficient for the conductor. The ring up register was to be removed from the Anniston trolley cars with this new system. The streetcars arrived in Anniston in 1887 and last ran on April 19, 1932. The trolleys were maintained at the car barn on 6th and Wilmer where the summer open-air trolleys were stored.
March 23, 1947: Anniston, AL. The Auto Beauty Shoppe advertised their 24-hour wrecker and tow service. The business owned, by Cliff Worsham, was originally part of the Hale Buggy Company. In the 1940’s the business was located at Fifteenth Street and Wilmer Avenue. By 1958, the business had moved to West Tenth Street.
March 24, 1963: Anniston, AL. Kitchens’ announced the arrival of 1500 new Spring dresses. In the 1950s, Claude Kitchens, who had previously been associated with Belk Hudson’s, opened his Kitchens Thrift Store at 914-916 Noble Street. The discount department store remained at the Noble Street location until 1974 when it closed.
March 25, 1917: Anniston, AL. Berman’s Department Store advertised their Big Bargain Offers for children, men, and women. Jacob Berman, a Lithuanian immigrant, founded the shop in 1900. The business grew rapidly and moved to 1112 Noble Street by 1938. Even though the building burned in 1961, the business rebuilt and was opened under the name New Berman’s with Sam Routman as the new owner.
March 26, 1935: Anniston, AL. The Anniston Star held a cooking school at the Ritz Theater. The theater, originally called the Lyric, was built in 1918 at 1302 Noble Street. The theater operated as a vaudeville venue until 1928 when motion pictures overtook vaudeville. The building was remodeled and served as a motion picture theater until the 1970s.
March 27, 1929: Anniston, AL. The Palace Drug Store Company advertised they had a 100 Pots of Easter Lilies to sell. The drug store opened around 1915 at 1025 Noble Street. Palace Drugs was associated with Jitney Drugs as well as Curry and Broadnax Drugs. Joe Broadnax was the manager of the drugstore until it closed in 1952.
March 28, 1940: Anniston, AL. Anniston Hardware Company advertised in the Anniston Star that the company had been serving the local farm community for over 50 years. The business was founded by J. C. Sproull in 1897. Mr. Sproull located his business at 920 Noble Street then moved in 1898 to 1118-1122 Noble Street where it remained until 1960s. The company moved several times until the 1980s.