Way Back Wednesday in Calhoun County---May 17-23

This week in the Way Back Wednesday in Calhoun County blog for May 17-23, we look back at some of the events and people that are part of Anniston and Fort McClellan history. Remember to click on the links in the blog to see many of the photos seen in Images of America series books: Anniston Revisited, Anniston, or Calhoun County.
Upcoming Events: Author and local historian Kimberly O’Dell will be conducting the May Makers Market Historic Tour of Downtown Anniston on Friday, May 26th. The tour will begin at 6:10 PM on the steps of the Calhoun County Courthouse steps (on West 11th Street). After the tour, Nunnally’s Noble Frame and Gallery will host an Anniston Revisited book signing. Check our website events page and on Facebook for more information on this month’s event.
May 17, 1948: Anniston, AL. The first city-sponsored Red Cross Water Safety Class began at Zinn Park on this date. The participants reported to the Zinn pool complex and trained for the first week under Coach “Bulldog” Johnson. Zinn Park was named in honor of Col. W. H. Zinn who bequeathed $10,000 to the city upon his death in 1924 specifically for the creation of a park.
May 18, 1921: Anniston, AL. The city of Anniston hosted the Reunion of Confederate Veterans. The festivities included an Exchange Club luncheon and the Veterans Ball which were both held at the Anniston Inn on the arrival day. The reunion was called to order at the Lyric Theater at 10 AM by Gen George H. Craig. The next day a parade down Noble Street was scheduled at 10 AM.
May 19, 1957: Anniston, AL. In honor of Armed Forces Day, the chaplains stationed at Fort McClellan and the clergy of some Anniston churches including Trinity Lutheran, Saks First Methodist, Carpenter Memorial Methodist, and Sacred Heart Catholic Church exchanged pulpits. The clergy from the participating churches filled the pulpits of WAC Chapel, Chemical Chapel, and Post Chapel while The Post Chaplain, Father John Kraka, would hear confessions and say mass.
May 20, 1949: Fort McClellan Range, Al. It was announced that the national guard units were firing at the range and that unauthorized personnel should remain clear of the area. Pelham Range was established by the U.S. Army in 1940 to serve as a live-fire training area. The entrance to the range was located across the highway from the John Pelham homestead.
May 21, 1915: Anniston, AL. The United Commercial Travelers from all parts of Alabama were welcomed to Anniston. Among those welcoming the members for their meeting were Lt. Governor Thomas Kilby. Kilby had arrived in Anniston in 1887 as an agent for the Georgia Pacific Railroad. He created the Anniston Soil Pipe Company as well as served in public office in both local and state government. He reached the governor’s office in 1919.
May 22, 1952: Anniston, AL. Dear’s Noble Street Curb Market offered bacon for 39 cents a pound, an ear of corn for 5 cents, and 3 pounds of Crisco for 75 cents. The market was located at 1800 Noble Street. The building is still used today as Tri-Co Supply.
May 23, 1916: Anniston, AL. The Rev Charles K. Weller, the rector of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, announced his resignation effective September 1. Weller came to the city in 1913 from Atlanta. While in Anniston, he and his family founded a school for the working people at the church. He was a fourth-generation Episcopal minister.