Way Back Wednesday in Calhoun County---August 6-12

This week we go to Camp McClellan, Jacksonville, and Anniston in the latest edition of Way Back Wednesday in Calhoun County Blog. Entertainment, shopping, and college life played an important role in 20th Century Calhoun County. Remember to click on the links in the blog to view many of the photos seen in Images of America series books: Anniston Revisited, Anniston, or Calhoun County.
Upcoming Events: The Anniston Revisited Book Signing during the September Makers Market will be at the Anniston Council on Arts and Humanities building, The Catalyst (1224 Noble Street). Books will be available for purchase (cash or check only) on September 22nd from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (CT).
September 6, 1918: Camp McClellan, AL. The second game of the World Series between Boston and Chicago was shown at the Liberty Theater. The game started at 2:30 PM and was called in detail based from the Anniston Star news department’s office as the sport’s report was received over the United Press wire. There was a special telephone wire directly from The Star’s office to the theater to provide the details of the game.
September 7, 1927: Jacksonville, AL. The Profile Cotton Mill started a new gin that had 12 stands capable of milling 10 to 15 bales per hour. This new gin would eliminate overnight wait for product. Ginning and wrapping cost only a dollar. The company said they paid top market prices for cotton and seed.
September 8, 1963: Anniston, AL. Friedman’s Jewelers in the 1000 block of Noble Street offered 129 pieces of dinnerware, enough for 8 place settings, at $14.88 down and $1 a week.
September 9, 1928: Anniston, AL. The Theato advertised a two-day showing of “Ramona” the first synchronized sound feature from United Artists. Located at 1026 Noble Street, the Theato became the Rialto Theater in the mid-1930s then the Cameo Theater in the 1940s.
September 10, 1944: Anniston, AL. Gunter’s, at 1020 Noble Street, advertised fur coats for sale under $100. The store offered a weekly payment plan. The business with both a clothing store and jewelers.
September 11, 1926: Anniston, AL. The Harts Company, at 1114 Noble Street, celebrated their one-year anniversary. The store offered low prices on men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing as well as offering terms so that the patrons could pay off their purchases at $1 a week.
September 12, 1906: Anniston, AL. The Anniston College of Young Ladies opened for the term under the direction of Principal W. H. Jones. The teachers selected for the session included Mr. Jones for the sciences, J. B. Madden for Latin and Ancient History, I. W. Duggan for mathematics, and Mrs. Maria L. Noel for ancient languages. Mrs. J. B. Madden oversaw the primary department. The college was housed in the former Anniston Inn.